Expression ESL 13A


表達式ESL 13A是音頻的巧妙呈現,專注於強化您的情緒體驗。採用13英寸(CLS™)XStat™靜電傳感器,雙10英寸PoweredForce Forward™低音揚聲器,由雙300瓦D類放大器供電,由24位Vojtko™DSP引擎和ARC™控制(Anthem Room)更正)。

US$17,999.98 US$16,199.98

表達ESL 13A


這種感覺是新型Expression ESL 13A的靈感來源。就像表現主義的傑作一樣,這種巧妙的音頻表現只是為了加強你的情感體驗。它是一種幾乎透明的音頻性能,可將您帶入感官的新景觀。


Expression ESL 13A是Masterpiece系列的一部分。它具有雙10英寸低音揚聲器系統,具有ARC珩磨性能,可實現完美混合的低頻響應。這款低音揚聲器陣列與MartinLogan標誌性的13英寸寬XStat CLS傳感器相結合,再加上強大的雙放大器部分,可提供富有表現力的動態音頻體驗,色彩更少。它揭示了音頻的純粹情感影響。

看看經典的MartinLogan靜電揚聲器中熟悉的元素:先進的MicroPerf定子技術,它允許暴露的靜電膜片表面幾乎是相同尺寸的傳統靜電面板的兩倍。該面板採用剛性ClearSpar™墊片加固,可在真空粘合膜片上保持精確的張力水平,而不會遮擋美觀的透視設計。添加新AirFrame™ 刀片結構的細長尖箭頭設計;一種強大的令人回味的組合,在面板和低音揚聲器櫃之間創造了一種和諧的連接。

現在註意一些根本性的改進:受我們自身突破性設計的啟發,我們重新設計了Expression ESL 13A低音揚聲器部分,由新的雙300瓦D類放大器驅動,並由24位Vojtko™DSP引擎和ARC™控制( Anthem Room Correction)。

獨立的PowerForce Forward™低音對準技術在獨立封閉的緊湊型腔室中使用兩個10英寸激光設計的低失真鋁製錐形低音揚聲器,控制後置發聲低音揚聲器與低音揚聲器後面牆壁之間的相互作用。通過智能相移邏輯,我們可以最大限度地減少牆壁對可能反彈回聽音室的低音信息的影響。這種均勻的頻率響應可以產生逼真的低音效果。這是MartinLogan創新改善您在任何房間的聆聽體驗的另一種方式。



Expression ESL 13A集成了獨家的Anthem室內校正(ARC)技術。通過使用ARC來控制與ESL面板輸出相關的低頻曲線(如此圖所示),您將體驗與MartinLogan音頻測試實驗室相同的性能。

ARC測量您房間內的低頻聲音輸出,並將其與最佳響應曲線進行比較,以反映空間異常。 ARC的高級算法可以有效地消除異常現象,只留下理想的標準:在您的聆聽空間中實際混合,自然發聲的低音表現。

通過最大限度地減少房間與PoweredForce Forward低音技術的交互和ARC的高級房間校正功能,以及其獨特的ESL和低音部分合成,Expression ESL 13A可產生完美蝕刻的成像和聚焦;栩栩如生的聆聽水平的聲音的最佳自然再現;並且在戶外進行靈活,全方位的操作。


Expression  ESL 13A
Expression  ESL 13A

全新 Ultra-Rigid AirFrame刀片設計

Expression ESL 13A XStat面板採用MartinLogan重新設計的AirFrame Blade結構連接到揚聲器音箱,採用航空航天級擠壓鋁合金精密製造。這種材料和這種獨特的製造工藝使得面板非常堅固。

這款AirFrame Blade導軌系統採用醒目,前衛的造型設計,前端窄而強,側面寬而有力,是一種現代設計理念。它絕不會妨礙可播放的表面區域或乾擾面板的偶極聲輻射模式。它還提供電氣和聲學隔離,最大限度地減少由振動和共振引起的互調失真。流暢的線條突出了面板本身與緊湊的低音揚聲器和放大器部分的突破性整合。令人嘆為觀止的AirFrame Blade設計增強了成像,低級聲音細節,精確度和揚聲器效率。

Expression  ESL 13A
Expression  ESL 13A




我們從揚聲器聽到的聲音是從它到耳朵的直接輻射,以及房間表面 - 牆壁,地板和天花板的反射。我們的大腦如何整合這些信息遠非簡單。根據耳朵的入射角度和直接聲音與反射聲音之間的到達時間差異,反射可以模糊細節和立體聲成像,或增強深度和開放性的自然印象。


Expression  ESL 13A
Expression  ESL 13A

新的 PoweredForce Forward™低音技術

PoweredForce Forward低音技術結合了兩項MartinLogan音頻創新:PowerForce,可以讓小型音箱準確地產生大量的低音,ForceForward可以顯著降低性能,從而消除前壁低音反射。

PoweredForce Forward低音技術採用先進的分頻拓撲結構,具有相位定時低音揚聲器,可最大限度地減少破壞性反射能量。通過幾乎消除前壁低音反射並與面板協同工作,PoweredForce Forward Bass技術為您提供更多的放置靈活性,並增強聲源的真實音頻真實感。

Expression  ESL 13A



Masterpiece系列音箱的深度經過精心挑選,以最大限度地發揮PowerForceForceForward技術的優勢,提供極致細節的強勁低音。結合Anthem Room Correction(ARC™) ,這些先進的低音技術提供了一種真正獨特的低頻精度。

Masterpiece系列揚聲器箱體尺寸在其Forofof低音揚聲器系統中創造了低音揚聲器,音箱體積和放大器之間的理想關係。通過為低音揚聲器提供充足的內部音量(兩個密封音箱 - 每個低音揚聲器一個)以及強大的放大功能,帶有動力低音揚聲器系統的Masterpiece系列音箱能夠在保留低音細節的同時達到最低音量。

採用ForceForward低音技術,低音揚聲器相互之間的距離越遠,頻率越低,其有益效果就越大 。 MartinLogan的ForceForward技術解決了一個問題(幾乎在所有揚聲器中都有),低音頻率的聲波在揚聲器後面的牆壁上反射,並與向聽眾傳播的波浪相互作用。當這些相互作用到達你的耳朵時,這些相互作用會在這些頻率中產生非線性,並且低音信息會受到與原始聲音不准確的取消和過度的影響。通過選擇性地調整其相對低音揚聲器的輸出相位,動力Masterpiece系列揚聲器消除了揚聲器後面有問題的低音能量。

ForceForward還通過消除揚聲器後面的低音能量並創建均勻的低音發射,簡化了揚聲器放置的任務。這使得Masterpiece系列揚聲器音箱比前幾代MartinLogan音箱更接近牆壁。根據經驗,我們建議將揚聲器箱的後部放置在比其低音揚聲器直徑更近的位置(Renaissance ESL 15A:12英寸,Expression ESL 13A:10英寸,Impression ESL 11A和Classic ESL 9) :8英寸)。為了增加控制水平,Masterpiece系列揚聲器採用兩級控制(75Hz和200Hz),可以對低音集成進行微調。

此外,由於它們具有偶極性質,靜電面板在距離牆壁至少2.5英尺或更遠的位置時表現最佳 - 這種距離對於幾乎任何高端揚聲器的前端都是理想的,無論驅動技術如何。 Masterpiece系列機櫃的深度使其能夠提供與牆壁保持足夠距離的靜電面板,從而保證了非常詳細的三維立體聲。

使用WBT綁定帖, 新的更高性能,多功能性和安全性


Expression  ESL 13A


Expression ESL 13A的表現已經從頭開始重新考慮。充分利用PoweredForce Forward和ARC Technology等創新技術,以及靜電面板與低音揚聲器陣列的集成,需要大膽考慮功率和效率。我們新推出的雙300瓦功率放大器可在比空前更小的空間內提供清潔電源。它們可以輕鬆地提供令人振奮的動態影響,並且可以節省大量開銷。卓越,可靠的D類技術意味著放大器和低音揚聲器之間幾乎沒有能量損失。

Expression  ESL 13A
Expression  ESL 13A

精密製造的高級拓撲Vojtko Crossover

Vojtko Voiced是Expression ESL 13A中的高級分頻器和電子元件,為這款巧妙的構圖增添了中等清晰度。這款分頻器採用最精細的聚丙烯電容器和空心線圈精心手工製造,採用了MartinLogan專有的Vojtko拓撲結構,可實現極低失真和無縫驅動器/ ESL集成。這種精確調整的網絡可以保留最微小的聲音細微差別,同時處理任何信號源的完整動態。

我們還考慮了您將為揚聲器供電的信號,並設計了Expression ESL 13A,以便與幾乎任何類型的電子設備配合使用。 MartinLogan最先進的環形變壓器和電氣接口工程確保了從放大器到靜電面板和低音揚聲器陣列的絕對透明連接。這產生了無與倫比的純度,精確度,清晰度和開放性的聲音 - 對於沒有揚聲器的下一個最好的事情。

High Expression [RUSSIAN]

"[Translated] MartinLogan Expression ESL 13A delivers a perfectly balanced sound to the listener with an inconspicuous mating of the electrostatic panel and the subwoofer."

—Artem Avatinyan,

MartinLogan Expression 13A Electrostatic Speaker Review with ARC

"The MartinLogan Expression 13A are the kind of speakers you can easily forget. That is a high compliment for a speaker review. Once in place and supported by proper room treatment, and perhaps a little room correction for ultimate smoothness and ideal SS&I - don't forget about the optional ARC correction built in - I predict most listeners will quickly become comfortable with the inability to find the 13A in the room - they can disappear that completely - and become completely sonically unobtrusive in their systems. The Expression 13A are another example of Electrostatic Magic from the Electrostatic Wizards at MartinLogan. I highly recommend them."

—Wayne Myers,

MartinLogan Expression ESL 13A Floorstanding Speaker Reviewed

"MartinLogan has hit a home run with the Expression ESL 13A. This speaker improves upon the traditional MartinLogan strong points of transparency and detail and adds a much improved bass section to create a well-rounded, great-sounding speaker. The Expressions are capable of doing the illusive, transporting the listener to the performance."

—Brian Kahn,

MartinLogan Expression ESL 13A hybrid electrostatic speaker Review

"The MartinLogan Expression ESL13A is a game changer. I have heard better speakers but they are significantly more expensive than the Expression. I never thought I could afford a speaker with this level of performance. "

—Robert Schussel,

要使用揚聲器運行Anthem Room Correction(ARC),您需要購買PBK或ARC套件(請注意,MartinLogan Perfect Bass Kit(PBK)麥克風與MartinLogan揚聲器的Anthem Room Correction完全兼容)。每個套件都附帶一個獨特的麥克風。



System Requirements

ARC Genesis requires an ARC or PBK Microphone, a Mac OS X (10.12+) or Windows (7/8/8.1/10) computer, and an ARC or PBK compatible audio product. One USB port is required. If you are using a laptop computer, check power settings and battery meter before starting to ensure the procedure is not interrupted.




24-23,000 Hz±3dB








91 dB / 2.83伏/米


4 Ohms,0.7 at 20kHz兼容4,6或8 Ohm額定放大器。




XStat™CLS™靜電傳感器»面板尺寸:44“x 13”(112 x 33cm)»散熱面積:572in²(3,696cm²)




低音單元:2 x 300瓦/通道(4歐姆),2 x 600瓦峰值






低音:75 Hz以下±10 dB中低音:-2 dB,0 db,+ 2 db光:開,暗,關ARC™房間均衡:開,關


WBT-0703Cu nextgen™5路接線柱採用鍍金,無鎳,非鐵磁,純銅製成的金銀絲信號導體,具有高導電性和完全絕緣性。沒有渦流效應。




空閒:<1W /通道最大:500W /通道






61.5“x 13.4”x 27.5“(156.1cm x 33.9cm x 69.9cm)

顧客評論 對於 Expression ESL 13A

請, 登入 要么 註冊 添加評論.

Scott M.

  • 2019年4月17日星期三

Two months ago I upgraded from Vista to the Expression. For many months I was trying to convince myself that I'd be happy with Impressions, but within 5 seconds of hearing the Expression demo at the dealer I was hooked! The amazement continues, and continues . . . . These are better in every way! The sweet spot is larger and more forgiving at the boundaries, meaning the edges are a softer blending between sweet and not-as-sweet. The woofer integration is very good indeed! The ARC calibration works very well, simple to execute. I've very recently discovered that tweaking the bass stronger yields major dividends in dynamics, in addition to the expected fullness. This is a new experience for me with electrostatics as I'm used to having less impact from the panel in exchange for clarity, but now I don't feel that I'm lacking anything at all. I've currently positioned the panels about 40" from the front wall, less than where the Vistas were, and they sound brilliant! I will say that the Expressions definitely benefit from wider and taller absorption, partly because they are taller, but also because the sound field is wider. So on the front wall behind the Expressions I've got floor to ceiling absorption panels which are 30" wide and positioned in the first reflection area (between the speakers) more than a foot beyond (towards center) an actual mirrored reflection. Once I did this all rear-wave problems went away! The sound is gorgeous and I simply can't get enough! Sorry for all the exclamation marks, but they are well deserved!! Happy Customer!


  • 2018年2月7日星期三

I recently upgraded from the Summit X to the Expression ESL 13A in my media room (previously I had also updated from the Stage X to the Focus center channel several months earlier). This time around I got a custom color instead of a standard finish to closer match my Focus center channel. First let me comment on the quality of the finishing, packaging and workmanship. I saw all this and more first hand at a visit to the Canadian plant so I was not surprised but it was all very well done. Also now that I have purchased several ML products over the years (Summit X, Descent I’s, 212's, CLX Art, Focus, Vanquish) the packing is very good and they have all arrived in great condition. I know packaging is probably not the most talked about topic but we do want our product delivered in good condition. Believe me it’s no accident that they do it’s that good. I must admit I was not an immediate fan of the new look compared to the Summit X's that I had at the time. I was not able to see anything in person until a couple of years ago at Axpona where a pair of 15A's were on display. What I saw on line the new ones just seemed to industrial looking. The much bigger boxy lower end seemed so much bigger then past designs so I was concerned that visually I would not like them as much as the Summit X's. Well let me tell you once I saw them in person I was much impressed with the new design, the much beefier frame and particularly the sound. Being familiar with ML speakers I came to love the clarity of the sound and the new 13A’s just make you smile so much more. The wider panel helps, the much sturdier frame helps but probably the biggest improvement is in the bass section. Yes it’s larger but its sooooo much better. Most likely a combination of the improved amp, the actual enclosure and the calibration software. I was first introduced to the calibration software with my purchase of a couple of 212 subs. It made a tremendous difference in how the bass played in my room and I was not disappointed in how after calibration the bass on the 13A’s sounded – tight, deep and fast just how I like it. I also believe the integration with the top panel is even better with the 13A’s as compared to the Summit X’s. That is saying a lot as I thought the Summit X’s were very well integrated but the new ones are even better. My setup is multichannel not two channel like my Summit X’s were before being moved into the media room. So I don’t have much experience on two channel performance but my gut tells me they will perform nicely and better then the Summit X’s. All I can say to the ML development team is you have hit it out of the park with the new lineup. It was a tough thing to accomplish but it’s nicely done – Visually and Sonically. Not just a small incremental improvement but justifying the new models as they are aptly named.


  • 2017年8月14日星期一

Martin Logan Trainer & Set-Up Expert Joel Lopez - "It's My Passion"
My wife and I purchased Martin Logan Expression 13A loudspeakers from the Magnolia Audio & Design Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Nick Hufford the store manager put me in contact with Joel Lopez at Martin Logan regarding questions I had about rake angle and set up. My first contact was in March of this year. I had already seen several YouTube videos with Mr. Lopez about setting the speakers up. I sent to Mr. Lopez an email containing material from the Cardas website regarding speaker set up. Their calculator was the most helpful. Thank you for contacting Cardas Audio. I recommend using the standard calculator to start. This will help to maximize bass performance. If you also mark the spot for the dipole calculator you could try any location between the two to improve imaging also. Imagine my surprise when there was a message on my cell phone from Mr. Lopez offering to speak to me via telephone regarding my questions and concerns. In the course of that conversation Mr. Lopez offered to come to our home to personally set the speakers up and implement the Anthem Room Correction, a program built into these speakers designed to take the room out of the equation; identifying and removing room nodes and standing waves; essentially allowing the speakers to perform at their best without being compromised by interaction with anomalies caused by the room. Frankly, I was flabbergasted by his offer. He wrote back after reviewing the numbers: When looking at the calculator it looks as though his calculations are correct and also what we would recommend as well. The only downside with using technology for speaker placement is it doesn't take into account things like type of flooring, thickness of sheetrock, type of paint weather flat or gloss, and objects in your room that will absorb or diffuse sound waves. My personal suggestion would be to use the calculator as a starting point for placement but be aware that minor adjustments in placement and or toe in can have a big effect on your overall sound. My offer still stands to come to your home and insure your speakers are performing to the reference level we intended. I simply could not believe my ears. This was personalized service unlike anything I had read about in the industry other than knowing about Peter McGrath of Wilson Audio going to the home of a customer after a sale to set up speakers and of course dealer set up. The set up team from Magnolia did an outstanding job using the results generated by the Cardas calculations. Even before the speakers had 100 hours on them it was hard to imagine how much better the response could be even though I had read reviews which testified to the difference the ARC made. Moreover Mr. Lopez sent instructions for achieving a rake angle of one degree (almost exactly perpendicular to the floor) something I desired, to improve imaging even further so I would have them to give to the install team. He added “Once I get a chance to travel back to Madison, your speakers will have played for the recommended break in period and I can then lend my expertise by making adjustments in placement to squeeze out every ounce of performance as possible.” Mr. Lopez came to our home on July 25th and I played for him 9 selections from vinyl, several from Redbook CD’s and two from an SACD so he would get a good feel for how our system sounded before he started. I thought, somewhat pridefully, that the system sounded very good but was looking forward to witnessing to what degree it could be improved. He felt the soundstage was too small and went to work knowing that my priority, if I had to choose between a large soundstage versus focus, I would choose focus. There was a great deal of speaker movement before the ARC was implemented. He asked my wife to sit in what looked to me to be a very near field listening position and yet it was at the apex of an equilateral triangle. My wife could immediately discern that the new position was much better. Specifically, instruments appeared and sounded a great deal more present and alive than our previous listening position. My wife had to leave to go to the library and when she left I shared that I knew, despite the clear improvement, that she was unhappy about the set up because the seating position was too close, so Mr. Lopez had to start all over again; moving the speakers further apart so the sofa could be further back and still achieve an equilateral triangle. Mr. Lopez started the ARC process and I could clearly see on his laptop the response caused by the room. To say that the frequency response was not linear would be a tremendous understatement. There are degrees of knowing; for years I have read that the room really impacts the sound; take care of room interactions first. The graph on his laptop hardly looked like the frequency response curve of the speakers shown by testing in an anechoic chamber. It is generally taken for granted that it is almost impossible to replicate outstanding results in the real world but the deviation in our living room was not to be believed. When Mr. Lopez was done he asked us to choose a selection from the original ones we played and it was IMMEDIATELY discernible, immediately, as in less than two minutes just how improved was the sound; specifically the entire sound spectrum was balanced! We had not heard the presentation like that before so of course we could not know what we were missing. Choral voices to my ears were even more individuated and defined and yet the presentation became, for lack of a better descriptor, relaxed. It was ironic to me how we could be hearing more information with greater definition and at the same time the presentation was relaxed; not laid back in any way; just relaxed; there was also an effortlessness to the presentation. Mr. Lopez’s experience (he has been with Martin Logan since 2002) cannot be underestimated; the software did not do the work; it was Mr. Lopez’s implementation, that achieved such an accomplished result. In that sense what took place can be described as art, assisted by technology; Mr. Lopez’s artistry was evident as was his craft, and make no mistake it was craft too. The speakers were tilted a bit to the right and left, meaning from side to side respectively for each speaker and he worked tirelessly to make the lack of perpendicularity disappear. I am guessing most people would have been content to leave them as they were. Mr. Lopez said “we are seeking perfection.” I said “I am sorry you are working so hard” and he immediately and yet casually replied “it’s my passion!” What more could I have asked for “it’s my passion” says it all; how many people do you meet that can claim the work they do is their passion? Martin Logan is lucky to have him because he is insuring customer allegiance one at a time; the old fashioned way, via unparalleled dedication to results. In the interest of clarity I want to emphasize that Martin Logan speakers are not finicky or difficult to set up; they are great from the get go, but with the extra attention comes extra-ordinary, extraordinary results. Since Mr. Lopez cannot be cloned, owners would do well to inquire regarding his availability, since his primary responsibility is training dealership personnel.